“What would really make us safe?” Discussion, July 24th



The State sells us safety in the form of borders, policing, and prisons. But…

What would really make us safe?


Discussion with:

Nadija Samour (jurist of color)

Stephanie Klee (sex worker & activist, highlights-berlin.de)

Sanchita Basu (ReachOut e.V.)

Jennifer Petzen (Lesbenberatung e.V.)


Sunday, July 24th

7-9 pm

Jockel Biergarten

Ratiborstr. 14C

10999 Berlin


How can seemingly ‘good ideas’ like supporting survivors of violence go so very wrong by reinforcing racist policing and security regimes?


After Köln and Orlando, mainstream feminist and LGBT organizations call on the State for more ‘protection’. Yet we know that the State uses its claims to protect marginalized communities as an alibi to continue law enforcement violence against people of color and migrants.


If police and borders don’t make us safe, what alternatives do we have in our communities? How can we build safety for ourselves?


Our speakers will examine Germany’s law enforcement and prison system, as well as current debates around hate crimes law and sex worker regulations. They will also offer visionary community-based alternatives for survivors of violence, answering the question “what would really make us safe?”


Organized by the Transformative Justice Kollektiv

& the Humboldt Universität Seminar “Carceral Feminisms & Transformative Alternatives”


Discussion in German with English translation.

Barrier-free space.

For questions or other translation & access needs, contact:

transformyrcommunity [at] riseup.net


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