Transformative Justice Reading List


INCITE! Community Accountability Fact Sheet

from INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence

*two-page intro to the concept


“The Revolution Starts at Home : Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities”

ed. Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

revolutionstartsathomeThis whole zine is amazing!

available free online thanks to INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence or as a new, expanded version in print from South End Press

*the name says it all…


check out these articles from the zine :

Transforming communities: community-based responses to partner abuse

p. 58-64    by Vanessa Huang

*a history and overview of the transformative justice movement


Taking risks: implementing grass-roots community accountability strategies

p. 64-79   by a collective of women of color from Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA) in Seattle

*CARA’s principles and three scenarios of their work


“Building Accountable Communities” Video Series

from Barnard Center for Research on Women 

with Kiyomi Fujikawa & Shannon Perez-Darby

*defining accountability for others and self-accountability


A Stand Up Start Up zine

from Philly Stands Up

*for people forming a transformative justice group


“Project Salvage Toolkit: Planning to Identify, Prevent and Challenge Gendered Violence in Activism”

by Project Salvage (London)

*for activist groups


Close to Home : Developing Innovative, Community-based Responses to Anti-LGBT Violence

from the LGBT Program of the American Friends Service Committee

*focus on hate, state, and intimate violence against queer people


What do we do when? Number 2

*stories from a survivor who went through a confrontation with a perpetrator (p. 11-16)

& a facilitator of a confrontation (p. 22-16, half of the zine is in printing order, aka backwards)


Community Accountability within the People of Color Progressive Movement

by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence Ad-Hoc Accountability Working Group Meeting

*detailed plan for accountability within an organization or institution


Thoughts about Community Support Around Intimate Violence” zine

(German translation here: “Transformative Hilfe” zine)

*plan for accountability within a group of friends or a scene


“Towards Transformative Justice : A Liberatory Approach to Child Sexual Abuse and other forms of Intimate and Community Violence”

by GenerationFIVE

*plan for community-wide accountability

*focus on child abuse


“Communities Engaged in Resisting Violence”

by Ann Russo and Melissa Spatz from Women and Girls Collective Action Network (Chicago)

*overview of Chicago-based work on community accountability


“The Harm Free Zone: General Framework”

by Harm Free Zones

*community accountability in a neighborhood for various kinds of interpersonal harms


“No One is Disposable: Everyday Practices of Prison Abolition” Video Series 

from the Barnard Center for Research on Women

with Dean Spade and Reina Gossett

*understanding the abolitionist roots of transformative justice

More videos here.


More Reading Lists


“Abolitionist Futures/International Conference on Penal Abolition 2018 Reading Group”


“Community Accountability for Survivors of Sexual Violence Toolkit”

by Chez Rumpf & Jane Hereth, Shifting From Carceral to Transformative Justice Feminisms Conference




Thanks to all the groups that have openly published their materials, and hope that it is cool with them for to post their pdf’s directly on this site.  If not, please let me know.

There’s also a number of academic, research, government, and legal texts about restorative & transformative justice, which I’ve chosen not to include here in order to keep the focus on grassroots community-based initiatives.  For a fuller bibliography, email us.