“What really makes us safe?” Book
The “What really makes us safe?” project that we’ve been working on for the past several years culminated in the publication of a toolkit last summer, which many of our collaborators and allies like LesMigras, Hydra, and Women in Exile contributed to. The toolkit is still available to download here, and has now been expanded and published as a book from edition assemblage. You can order it here or ask for it from your local bookshop!
Book Reviewers needed…
We are looking for people to write reviews of the book for local and national media. If you are interested, shoot us a message at transformyrcommunity@riseup.net
Book Tour Dates
To celebrate the book and spread the good word, we’ll be doing a book tour around Germany this summer. Check our Twitter and Facebook for updates:
Past Dates:
-28. Juni, conTent @ Fusion Festival > the woods
-29. Juni, 1. Augsburg Sicherheitskonferenz > Augsburg
-21. Juli, Queer Zine Fest > Berlin
(all events are in German, if not otherwise listed, but on the spot translation will be organized by speakers of other languages when possible)
-30. August, Erfurt:
Reading with authors Jen Petzen, Sanchita Basu (ReachOUT), & Melanie Brazzell
at Redroxx Offenes Jugendbüro with Linksjugend[‘solid] Thüringen
-4. September, München:
Reading with authors Nadija Samour & Melanie Brazzell
at Lothringer13_Florida with Polizeiklasse
-5. September, München:
Networking meeting for activists
at Lothringer13_Florida with Polizeiklasse
-6. September, Berlin:
Book launch party & reading with authors Nadija Samour & Melanie Brazzell
at and with xart splitta
-9. September, Berlin:
“Addressing the Role of Shame in Community Accountability” Workshop with Farzada & Zoya (CACA)
at and with xart splitta (in English, registration required)
-10. September, Dresden:
Reading with TJ Kollektiv members Melanie Brazzell & Fee Grabow
at Libertäre Tagen Dresden with Anarchistische Netzwerk Dresden
-13. September, Köln
Reading with authors Sanchita Basu (ReachOUT), Jen Petzen, & Melanie Brazzell
location to be determined, with About:Fem
-14. September, Münster:
Reading with authors Jen Petzen & Melanie Brazzell
at leo16:KollektivKneipe with edition assemblage & AK Zu Recht
-15. September, Frankfurt:
Reading with authors Daniel Loick (KNAS[]), Lisa Monz (TJKollektiv), & Melanie Brazzell
at Klapperfeld (former prison) with KNAS[], Knast Kritik FFM, Copwatch FFM
-16. September, Frankfurt:
Workshop & Vernetzung with Copwatch FFM, Knast Kritik FFM, & Transformative Justice Kollektiv Berlin
at Klapperfeld (former prison)
-17. September, Göttingen
Reading with TJ Kollektiv members Melanie Brazzell & Fee Grabow
at Apex with Grüne Jugend Göttingen
-28. September, Dortmund:
Presentation by TJ Kollektiv member Tine McCaskill
at “Strafrechtsnahe Soziale Arbeit: Kritische Gerechtigkeitsprofession oder doch nur Kontext des Zwangs?” Conference at Fachhochschule Dortmund
-2. November, Greifswald
Presentation by Nadija Samour & Zoya (CACA)
location to be determined with QUBE. Queere Bildungs- & Antidiskriminierungsarbeit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern