hey folkses,sorry for the english, first-off. even though i finished my german test last month, i’m still saying “nein danke” to integration some days. but really, genuine sorries if language blocks anyone’s ability to understand, please just send a mail for explanation.a lot of things are happening! and its only may… so welcome to town, summer of justice. 1. übersetzungs… Read more →
Author: ignite
community accountability imagines a world where survivor healing, prevention education, political activism, and perpetrator accountability are integrated. and what we’ve got below is exactly that, happening in berlin and its neighboring cities in the next months : 1. a feminist movement & healing workshop in hamburg 2. a pro-sex, pro-consent discussion group from slut conspiracy 3. political theorizing and praxis… Read more →
Monday at FAQ Aktionswoche
We’re putting on a … Discussion about Community Accountability for Sexual Violence Monday, 18-20 Uhr Check out FAQ’s site for the schedule for the entire Aktionswoche : including a drag workshop, vegan sushi, bike fixing, diy haircuts, and movies Where? FAQ Laden Jonasstraße 40 12053 Berlin between the U8-Leinestr. and the S/U-Hermannstr. Read more →
community accountability in uttar pradesh
http://www.gulabigang.net/index.html these women are rocking my world. Read more →
Support NY
hey y’all , i asked a friend who does CA and support work in New York through the group Support New York. if she would be interested in doing an interview to get some international perspectives on CA work. check out their webiste : (http://supportny.org and fill in their survey : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2TPSXXQ her group was really generous,… Read more →