1* The collective will be hanging out at Berlin ZineFest ! Come by and say hi!
There will be copies of our zine, „Risiko wagen. Strategien für selbstorganisierte & kollektive Verantwortungsübernahme bei sexualisierte Gewalt“, and the „Was macht uns wirklich sicher? Toolkit für Aktivist_innen“ from our library.

(Amnesty International), Moderation Karen Taylor

28.11.17, 19.00-21.00, Studio Я | gegen sätze | Free Admission
The US-Americans Albert Woodfox, Robert King and Herman Wallace (passed away in 2013), three Black Panthers activists, spent decades in solitary confinement. They have become known internationally as »Angola Three«. Woodfox was the last one who was released from prison in 2016.
Together with black community representatives, human rights activists and the audience they speak about resistance, human rights, strategies and the will to survive in a racist system of justice.
An event from Studio Я with Amnesty International Deutschland e.V. and the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland Bund e.V. (ISD)